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Recognizing Extraordinary Nurses DAISY Award®

The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune System) Award® was created to thank and honor the exceptional work nurses and nurse leaders do for patients and families every day. In partnership with the DAISY Foundation™, we are proud to recognize AMN Healthcare nurses for their unparalleled compassionate care.

smiling nurse and patient
nurse and patient smiling

The Meaning Behind the Nomination

75,000 honored nurses and counting

In memory of Patrick Barnes, the DAISY Award® was created to thank and honor the super-human work of nurses. More than 5,400 healthcare facilities and schools of nursing honor nurses with this award.


We provide on-going recognition of all our clinicians, and one way is presenting the DAISY Award® to four nurses and two nurse leaders every quarter.


The AMN Healthcare winners will receive:

  • The DAISY Award®, certificate, and pin
  • Cinnamon treats (Pat’s favorite snack) and coffee for the winners and their entire unit
  • Recognition on the DAISY Foundation™ site

Winner Methodology

A steering committee consisting of AMN Healthcare leaders review the nominations quarterly and selects the winners based on the AMN Healthcare CTE Award criteria:

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Embraces new ideas, technology and best practices and initiates positive changes.



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Exemplifies the highest standards of professional excellence through leadership and commitment to health and wellness.


Dedicated to the improvement of health and wellness across all specialties and embodies the core values of the nursing profession.

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The clinician embodies the three core pillars of the CTE award criteria: innovation, compassion and passion. 


Two female nurses speaking to male physician

Who to Nominate and How

If you know of an AMN Healthcare nurse who embodies compassion, innovation, or passion in their day-to-day life, we encourage you to nominate them.


Fill out the form below to place a nomination. AMN Healthcare CTE award winners will be announced on this page and the winners’ stories will be shared on the candidate blog.

Previous Winner Spotlights