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Navigating COVID-19 As a Healthcare Professional

AMN Healthcare would like to thank you for the dedication you put forth every day to support patients and healthcare facilities. The nation looks to providers like you, especially in times of need. We are calling on you to join our efforts in supporting affected communities. We are in constant communication with hospitals nationwide and are working together to respond to COVID-19 while making your safety a top priority.

Pulse On The Nation’s Nurses

We Want to Hear From You

We know the nurse community continues to face unparalleled challenges as we move through the pandemic. We want to make sure America hears your voices and understands your experiences. Take the survey below to support the American Nurses Foundation.

We are in constant communication with hospitals nationwide and are working together to respond to COVID-19 while making your safety a top priority.

Recently answered questions

Useful Resources
How do I notify AMN of a potential exposure?

If you have been exposed to COVID-19 we recommend that you follow the CDC guidelines for testing to see if you have contracted COVID-19. If you do test positive, please notify your recruiter/consultant. If you are using AMN Passport, you can contact your Clinical Manager directly through the Passport app.

Can I request an exemption to the COVID-19 vaccination if there is a state/client/federal mandate?

Depending on the state/client you are working for determines what type of exemption will be accepted. Please work with your credentialing analyst or recruiter to determine if an exemption can be requested.

The declination form and the supporting document to request religious exemption can be found on AMN passport app, via your brand web portal, and/or your credentialing analyst can provide you a copy.

*Requests for exemption for medical or religious reasons do require additional documentation so that the accommodation request can be reviewed.

  • Medical: Letter on Provider letterhead with signature (MD/DO/NP/PA) and/or stamp indicating the medical reason you are not able to receive the vaccine.
  • Religious: Complete the “Request for Religious Accommodation/Exemption to COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement.” form. All fields need to be completed.
  • Personal: Many states and clients do not accept personal exemptions. Please work with your Recruiter and Credentialing Analyst to ensure that your assignment location accepts personal exemptions.

AMN Healthcare is committed to providing equal employment opportunities without regard to any protected status and a work environment that is free of unlawful harassment, discrimination, and retaliation.

I have lost my COVID-19 Vaccine Card, what do I do?

Many organizations that provided vaccines required you to be registered within their system in order to be vaccinated. Reach out to them to see if they can provide you with an electronic copy of your vaccine record which can serve as proof of vaccination.

Another option is using the state tracking system for vaccines. These systems monitor vaccines across the state, including COVID-19.

Every state has a tracking system for COVID-19 vaccines. Go to the appropriate state system to find a record of your vaccination.

As the process for vaccination moves forward, we expect that QR codes will eventually be available to validate your vaccination.

Consider downloading one of the Vaccine Passports to hold your documentation.

Download our new AMN Passport App! Available now in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

I was just diagnosed with COVID-19. Is Monoclonal Antibody Treatment an option for me?

Monoclonal antibody treatment is a promising therapeutic for people diagnosed with mild to moderate COVID-19. The FDA has issued Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for this treatment for patients who meet certain high-risk criteria.

If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, please reach out to your provider to see if you are a candidate for this promising treatment designed to reduce symptoms, and/or symptom progression. Find a location near your current assignment location.

Monoclonal Antibody treatment is at no charge to the patient. Centers are opening across the country but are in the infancy stage. Your assignment facility may even be one of the locations offering this treatment. FEMA is also involved in staffing Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Centers in some of the high need areas of the country.


Monoclonal Antibodies for High Risk COVID-19 Positive Patients

Monoclonal Antibody Therapeutic Distribution Locations

COVID Articles

Stacked stones with text "10 Tips to Stay at Your Best"


Self-Care for Clinicians: Ways to Be Kind to Yourself

As the country faces the worst pandemic in more than a century, healthcare professionals remain on the front lines, providing care to a flood of seriously ill patients, which can at times be physically and emotionally draining.

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Preparing for the ‘New Normal’ Post-COVID-19

The emergence of COVID-19 is presenting a barrage of challenges to America’s healthcare system, straining resources to their utmost and absorbing the complete attention of healthcare professionals nationwide.

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Woman smiling serenely outside


Wellness: Caring for You so You Can Care for Others

We understand the incredible pressure this crisis puts on clinicians like you and we want to take a moment to remind you of the importance of taking care of yourself.

Read Article

Hear From Our Professionals

Dr. Patel Shares Her #CommitmentToCare Story


Dr. Pooja Patel shares her story of commitment and why she’s proud to be a physician now more than ever before. Thank you to Dr. Patel, and the other physicians across the country saving lives during this difficult time.

RRT Lauren Is Proud To Be On The Front Lines


As a frontline respiratory therapist, Lauren plays a critical role. She has risen to the challenge day in and day out to combat COVID-19. Thank you, Lauren for your dedication and contribution to our community. #CommittedToCare

On the Front Lines: Nurse Malaika Help if You Can


We are so thankful for our travelers like Malaika. To all of the healthcare professionals out there, you continue to inspire us with your unwavering dedication to patient care.

On the Front Lines: Nurse Jess Says It Best


Jess shares a message about strength and compassion. We need heroes right now, and Jess is one. Thank you to all who are sacrificing time with family and working around the clock to help us get through this. You inspire us.

On the Front Lines: Nurse Kori: “You Are Not Alone”

Kori is another one of our amazing travelers who shared an important message with us for all of you – You Are Not Alone. Thank you Kori & all of the healthcare professionals out there. We are here for you.

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I agree to receive emails, automated text messages and phone calls (including calls that contain prerecorded content) from and on behalf of AMN Healthcare, and affiliates. I understand these messages will be to the email or phone number provided, and will be about employment opportunities, positions in which I’ve been placed, and my employment with AMN companies. See privacy policy or cookie policy for more details.