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OSHA COVID-19 Healthcare Emergency Temporary Standard

For healthcare professionals employed by AMN Healthcare in a facility providing healthcare services or healthcare support services, OSHA has an updated Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) that provides additional resources and benefits to such covered workers.

Self-Monitor for Symptoms

Prior to reporting to work, please self-monitor for potential COVID-19 symptoms, including fever and/or chills, shortness of breath, a new loss of taste or smell, headache, nausea/vomiting, fatigue, cough, sore throat, or congestion/runny nose. If you are not feeling well or have any of the above symptoms, please notify the facility that you are not feeling well, and please contact our Crisis Care Line: 800-887-1456.

Notification of Exposure

In certain circumstances, the OSHA COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard requires employers like AMN to notify their employees about potential COVID-19 exposure in the workplace. These notification provisions are not, however, triggered by the presence of a patient with confirmed COVID-19 in a workplace where services are normally provided to suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients.

COVID-19 Testing

If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms and/or were exposed to someone that was COVID-19 positive, no-cost testing is available to you. Many facilities offer such testing to AMN Healthcare Professionals, so please check with your on-site supervisor or please contact our Crisis Care Line for more information about testing options: 800-887-1456.

Notification of COVID-19 Positive

If you receive notice that you are COVID-19 positive, have been told by a licensed healthcare provider that you are suspected to have COVID-19, or are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19 (see above, Self-Monitor for COVID-19 Symptoms), please notify AMN as soon as possible by contacting our Crisis Care Line: 800-887-1456. Additionally, please do not report to the workplace, as additional criteria must be satisfied before you may return to work.

Mandated Quarantine

If you are unable to work due to a mandated quarantine, you may be eligible for OSHA’s Paid Medical Removal benefits. AMN will continue to provide benefits and paid leave to employees mandated to leave the workplace due to being confirmed or suspected of having COVID-19. Please contact our Crisis Care Line for more information about mandated quarantine benefits: 800-887-1456.

Vaccination Benefits

If you have not already received the COVID-19 vaccine and would like to do so, AMN Healthcare will provide reasonable time and paid leave to receive each dose of the vaccine and any side effects experienced following vaccination. Please contact us at 800-282-0300 to be routed to appropriate resource for your discipline.


If you are a covered employee under the ETS, you have a right to the protections required by the ETS and employers are prohibited from discharging or in any manner discriminating against any employee for exercising their right to the protections required by the ETS, or for engaging in actions that are required by the ETS.

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