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#1 Staffing Agency Travel Nursing Staffing Agency

Our travel nurses are fully-vetted, highly-experienced and flexible to meet your healthcare organization's nurse staffing needs. Whether your facility needs a travel nurse to fill a position for eight, thirteen or twenty-six week assignments, we have the nurses to fill your staffing gaps

Travel nurse with bag and folder

Are You Looking for a Nursing Job? 

AMN Healthcare offers nationwide nursing positions across the spectrum of settings and specialties. Start your nursing career job search here.

Nursing Jobs


2023 AMN Healthcare Survey of Registered Nurses

The 2023 Survey of Registered Nurses examines the impact COVID-19 had on the career plans, job satisfaction, and mental health & wellness of more than 18,000 RNs.


Highlights from the survey:

Avantas analytics screenshot

What Makes Us Different?

Save Time, Resources, and Money with Workforce Management Solutions

We offer healthcare workforce technologies tailored for your specific needs, allowing you to focus on patient care instead of paperwork.

A Partner with Proven Reliability & Experience

We have over 35 years of staffing experience providing the best possible solution, for nearly every possible situation. But, don't take our word for it. We've earned the Joint Commission's Gold Seal of Approval, and have been named one of America's most trustworthy travel nursing companies by Forbes Magazine.

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AMN Healthcare RNs have a BSN and 7% have an advanced nursing degree beyond BSN

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New nursing applicants to AMN Healthcare were referrals

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Our nurses undergo rigorous screening and are up-to-date with compliance training

Benefits of a Fully Staffed Nursing Department

Cost-effective Solutions to Ensure Continuity of Care  

  • Good practice environments are directly associated with lower readmission rates and increased revenue 
  • Nurses have the most patient interaction, so they're likely to have a big impact on patient satisfaction survey scores. Better scores = happier, healthier patients and more revenue 
  • Increased nurse hours per patient day leads to a drop in adverse patient events, as well as lower odds of receiving penalties under the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program 
A group of smiling travel nurses

Diverse Nurse Staffing

Trained and Qualified Nurses to Seamlessly Integrate with Your Full-Time Staff

At AMN Healthcare our Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Philosophy extend throughout all areas of the organization -- especially within our travel nursing solutions.  

We are committed to hiring and retaining travel nurses from diverse backgrounds and have an ongoing passion to ensure everyone is included and treated equally.  


Find out more about the exciting DEI initiatives we have underway to ensure we are fostering and maintaining a diverse team.  

AMN Healthcare is Here to Help

Analytics. Strategic Guidance. The Right Connections.

AMN Healthcare understands how dynamic the travel nursing industry is.  With market factors including the COVID-19 pandemic, significant supply/demand fluctuations, nurse burnout in both the permanent and travel nursing population, increasing patient census, and more, AMN is here to partner with our customers to navigate the changes in the market and how to optimize their staffing. 


AMN has the most insight into the travel nursing market which we share with our customers to create positive outcomes.  We are committed to our valued customers and how we can best help. 

Seamless Process

"The interviewing and document preparation process through AMN is always seamless."


Geoff Pridham, Manager of Nursing Administration Services, Stanford Hospital & Clinics

Home health nurse with clipboard
Competent and Friendly

"Not only were the individual nurses competent and friendly, the AMN support role was invaluable."


Robert Rose, RN, MS, NEA-BC, SVP & System Chief Nursing Officer, Trinity Mother Frances Hospitals and Clinics

Love my Recruiter!

"I love working with my recruiter, Michele. She always looks out for me, listens & finds me great contracts. I've had the benefit of working in NYC, DC, Napa & the Bay Area. All have been great learning experiences. Next contract: Stanford in Palo Alto!"


American Mobile Healthcare Clinician, RN

Per diem physician

How You Save More with Travel Nursing

Cost containment is an important issue when considering travel nurse staffing. But the benefits of travel nursing don’t end with affordability or efficiency -- they extend farther. Our team will handle all the recruiting, interviewing, reference checks, training and hiring. We also offer and partner with you to ensure that our hourly rates are competitive against those of your full-time staff.  




2023 AMN Healthcare Survey of Registered Nurses

The AMN Healthcare 2023 Survey of Registered Nurses examines the serious challenges now facing nurses related to career satisfaction and mental health and wellbeing as a result of the pandemic.

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Landscape image of mirrored front of Trinity Mother Francis Hospital of East Texas for EMR Success


Trinity Mother Frances Hospitals and Clinics’ Successful EMR Conversion

Trinity Mother Frances (TMF) Hospitals and Clinics is a faith-based, not-for-profit organization that has provided compassionate and comprehensive healthcare services to the people of east Texas for more than 70 years.

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travel nurses fill clinical needs


A Single-Hospital Study of Travel Nurses and Quality: What is Their Impact on the Patient Experience?

This study examines the use of travel nurses at a community hospital in the southern United States. The hospital is representative of large regional providers at the urban-rural interface, and is in one of the fastest-growing regions in the country, with an estimated population of just over 300,000. 

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Travel Nurse Staffing Services

Are you a candidate interested in working with us? Visit our Careers Page. For urgent issues, please call (866) 871-8519.

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Staffing Need(s) *                                                                                                              

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I agree to receive emails, automated text messages and phone calls (including calls that contain prerecorded content) from and on behalf of AMN Healthcare, and affiliates. I understand these messages will be to the email or phone number provided, and will be about employment opportunities, positions in which I’ve been placed, and my employment with AMN companies. See privacy policy or cookie policy for more details.